Thursday, September 13, 2012

Preschool Learning - Letter C {Alex}

A little late in the week, but here is what we are learning this week:

Letter C
Circles - Alex loves this. Everywhere we go, I ask him to find a circle. He is doing great at finding all sorts of things that look like this shape!

Caterpillars - We are reading Charlie the Caterpillar and, of course, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Both the boys are loving these books. Andrew thinks that it is the coolest thing that they turn into butterflies. Alex laughs and laughs about how the very hungry caterpillar eats every thing in sight. Sounds just like my Alex... :) The other book has a wonderful lesson in it. You will just have to read it. It is so sweet at the end.

Circus/Clowns - I was going to leave this out until I found the book Circus Train - hello? That is just calling their names. I also picked up Circus Caps for Sale and  C is for Clown

Cookies/Cupcakes - PERFECT for this week as it is Andrew's birthday celebration week! So, we have been reading If You Give a Cat a Cupcake and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Those are such cute books. I love all of Laura Numeroff's books. She is great!

Cars - Of course we can't leave out Cars - as in Disney/Pixar Cars. How great is it that the library has the Cars Read-Aloud Storybook. Alex found it, too! He's just pulling books out and got crazy excited when he saw this one. And, Cars (the first movie - the 2nd one is just stupid and pointless - my thoughts on that are found here, if you are interested in why...) has a really good message in the movie/book, too. One blogger put together a discussion guide for teaching pride and humility through this movie. Love that!

Alex is doing great with learning these letters and their sounds. He is pointing out letters A and B now whenever he sees them. Andrew is doing well, too. He works on his letter writing and letter mazes (his new obsession is doing mazes).

This week's Bible verse: "God, create in me a clean heart, renew within me a resolute spirit." Psalm 51:10 (NJV). Wow, right? Teaching some of these verse, while wonderful, is quite a task sometimes. This blogger did a great job with teaching this verse and we will be working on this tomorrow.

There you have it! This is what we have been up to while learning about the letter c! :) Have a great rest of the week everyone.

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